Chengdu Chang'an Landfill Gas Comprehensive Utilization Project

Chengdu Chang'an Landfill Gas Comprehensive Utilization Project

China's largest single-unit landfill gas power generation project has won praise for its emissions reduction achievements



The power generation project is centered on 20 Jenbacher gas generating units with a total installed capacity of nearly 30MW - which will provide renewable, low-emission green electricity to the region.


Project background


Chengdu Chang'an Landfill Gas Comprehensive Utilization project is a landfill gas power generation project jointly invested, constructed and operated by Chengdu Lvzhou City Environment (Group) Co., LTD and Xinzhongshui (Nanjing) Renewable Resources Investment Co., LTD*. The project aims to collect, purify landfill gas produced by the first-phase and second-phase landfill areas of Chengdu Chang'an Landfill, and utilize purified gas to generate power. This project is the largest single-unit landfill gas power generation project in China, and the second largest in Asia.


Low emission power generation solutions


Chengdu Chang'an landfill covers an area of approximately 6,700 square meters and its daily waste disposal capacity is 4000 tons. The project started construction in August 2016, includes a landfill gas collection system, a landfill gas pretreatment system, a landfill gas generator set, and a supporting CDM metering system, a power output system, a power grid engineering and other public auxiliary facilities. The first phase of the project went into operation in May 2017 with the installation of 14 INNIO Jenbacher J420 generating units, which run on landfill gas. Each generating unit has a rated power of 1,487 KW and an installed capacity of 20.82 MW. In November 2018, six Jenbacher J420 units were added to the second phase of the project, bringing the total installed capacity of the project to 29.74MW.


Project outcome


The annual power generation of the project can reach 140 million KWH, and all the electricity generated can be uploaded to local grid, which can meet the electricity demand of 70,000 households for a year. In addition, this renewable energy solution is equivalent to a reduction of approximately 900,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year. The Chang'an Landfill Gas Comprehensive Utilization project has been continuously recognized and praised by industry experts since it was officially put into operation. The project won the award in the "2016-2017 Environmental Health Industry Competition Innovation Series Commendation activities" organized by the organizing committee of China Urban Environmental Health Association 2017 Solid Waste Exhibition. In September of the same year,  Chengdu Lvzhou City Environment (Group) Co., LTD was awarded "Chengdu Green Low-carbon Demonstration Enterprise" by Chengdu Energy Conservation, Emission Reduction and Climate Change Working Leading Group.


ESG benefits


Relying on the advanced full coverage air receiving system, not only can the project effectively solve the landfill odor diffusion problem, rain and sewage diversion problem, but also improve the landfill gas collection efficiency. The implementation of this project provides a typical demonstration for the utilization of landfill gas and energy saving and emission reduction in domestic landfills, which is of great significance for promoting the construction of ecological civilization and the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society.



Location : Chengdu, China

Total efficiency : 41.7%

Installed engines : 20 * J420

Energy source : Landfill gas

Electrical output : 29.74 MW

Commissioned : 2017, 2018


* All our group members came from Xinzhongshui (Nanjing) Renewable Resources Investment Co., LTD and played important roles in this project

TIME:2024-06-03 17:15
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